About Anna

I’m a creator, freelance plain language medical content writer, and blogger.

From clinical work to public health program management, I have worked with diverse populations including international populations. With each document I write, I understand both professionally and personally the importance of accessible medical information and strive to make it a reality for everyone.

My entrance to the medical field started in a hospital room in Greenville, Texas at the age of 13 years old. I can remember serving as a translator for a Spanish speaking family during a pregnancy. I can still feel the plastic of the chair in the dimly lit room of a publicly funded hospital. Feeling helpless as the language being used was way beyond the understanding of the family or their middle school translator (thank goodness for laws that require more professional translators). Here was a family who was in a desperate time of their lives and yet the people around them only knew how to communicate in ways that made no sense to them or the person translating. From each step of my career path, I keep that image with me. It’s a reminder that health literacy is more than just using simple words, it’s being able to know the targeted population and adjust to their needs.

I have personally sat with a loved one being presented clinical trials options and know the struggle of taking in so much information under extreme stress of a terminal disease. As a nurse I served at the bedside of patients who were taking clinical trials and working through a very rough diagnosis. Plain language and health literacy matters to me because I have seen the direct impact that it can have on individual lives.

I look forward to learning more about how I can further your project goals.


  • Master’s in Public Health -Community Programs

  • Bachelor of Science-Biology

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing-Registered Nurse with a compact license

To keep my medical writing skills current, I am an active member of the following organizations:

  • American Medical Writers Association member since 2022

  • International Society for Medical Publications Professionals member since 2023